LocationChantilly, VA 20151 Phone(571) 517-8580

Succubus Plants That Are Worth Growing for Landscaping

Outdoor & Indoor Growing: Best Succulents to Grow

Succulents come in over 10,000 different kinds, yet many of them uphold their image as low-maintenance plants. Certain succulents, meanwhile, need more care and are a little trickier to grow than others. These are some popular succulents, including low-maintenance indoor and outdoor plants for landscaping. A light, quick-draining indoor soil or potting soil produced expressly for succulents, such as that used for cacti, palms, and citrus trees, should be used when growing succulents as interior plants.

Candelabra Cactus Ingens

The dark green, four-lobed stems of this plant and its columnar growth pattern, which branches out as it becomes older, are what give it its name. It can grow to a towering 40 feet outside, but only reaches 8 to 10 feet indoors. Humans and animals both become sick from it.

Crown of Thorns

This is succulent to choose from if you want to see blooms virtually all year round. The plant boasts spectacular bracts in shades of red, orange, pink, yellow, or white as well as robust, brilliant green leaves, but it also contains thorns. It can grow to a maximum height of 2 feet indoors and 3 to 6 feet outdoors. Pets and people can become sick from it.

Christmas Cactus

Christmas cacti are typically kept as indoor houseplants in colder climates, but you can move them outside in the summer. It has thick, flat leaves with a small serration on each side. A pleasant burst of color during the winter is provided by the colorful blossoms of this seasonal shrub.


This plant is also known as the paddle plant because of the paddle- or clam-like form of its leaves. At a height of 1 to 2 feet and a spread of large rosette clusters of 2 to 3 feet, it may be grown both indoors and outdoors. Pets should avoid it.

If you’re looking for a reliable landscaping contractor in Chantilly, VA, no need to look far as you can always trust Fresh Cut Landscaping LLC. For inquiries and information, be sure to contact us at (571) 517-8580 right away!

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