LocationChantilly, VA 20151 Phone(571) 517-8580

Landscaping Design for Pest Control

Using a Garden for Efficient Pest Control

If questioned, the vast majority of individuals would surely respond that they would get clear of the vermin by contacting a pest control firm and having them come and do the job for them. The real damage that bugs do is often not discovered until after the fact. However, it’s worth remembering that there are measures you may take on your own to protect your garden against pests. A lawn that is well-kept and also protected from potential threats may deter unwanted visitors.

Landscaping experts recommend the following measures to deter unwanted visitors from your garden:

Adequate Quantity of Proper Plants

To keep pests out of your garden and maybe your house, consider establishing a herb garden or using other pest-deterrent plants. A Venus flytrap could be your best bet if you’re anxious to get rid of insects and other pests. You can increase the likelihood that you and your household will avoid being invaded by pests by planting certain types of vegetation.

Identify the Space Required Between Plants

If you want your yard to look like a jungle, fast-growing plants are what you need. Because of the increased availability of food and shelter, more insects will attack a yard if the vegetation is too packed together. Be mindful of pests while deciding on which plants to employ in your landscaping, whether you’re doing it yourself or consulting an expert. Two feet is the bare minimum that should be left between plants.

Nonliving Plants

Debris like wood, trash, and mulch are attractive nesting resources for pests, so they tend to attract infestations. Insecticide bait can be easily avoided. Keeping up with routine yard work like mowing the grass, maintaining the flower beds, removing weeds, and sweeping the leaves might deter unwanted visitors. Reduce the number of bugs in your home or workplace by cleaning up the debris.

When you need the assistance of a qualified Chantilly, VA Landscaping professional. Don’t hesitate to contact Fresh Cut Landscaping LLC at (571) 517-8580.

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